A Day in the Life of a Publicity Assistant at Penguin Random House (Penguin Classics)

When I was applying for publishing jobs, like most Publishing Hopefuls, I thought there was only one thing I could do – become an Editor. Well, the reality is far from it! Currently, I’m a Publicity & Admin Assistant at Penguin Random House, specifically the Penguin Press division which includes the iconic Penguin Classics and Penguin Modern Classics imprints, as well as Allen Lane, Particular and Pelican books. Come see what a day in my life is like!

3 Self-Care Ideas for Writers: Why It’s Important and How To Avoid Creative Burnout

Self-care for writers can be extremely confusing. Often, non-writers will be told to write as a form of self-care — Journaling, Morning Pages, Mindmaps, Reflective Exercises. But, most likely, if you’ve spent all day focusing on the minute details of a sentence or the placement of that pesky comma to indicate a dramatic pause, youContinue reading “3 Self-Care Ideas for Writers: Why It’s Important and How To Avoid Creative Burnout”

Your next YA Romance read | Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon – REVIEW

Looking for your next read? Let me tell you why it’ll be Nicola Yoon’s new YA Romance, Instructions for Dancing.

Tokyo | NaPoWriMo #19

Tell me, you city of resounding solitutude, how many leaves shall fall until I breathe your wintry air again? Because, my trees are replicas, fakes, pinks that could not pass in your skyscraper walls. How I long to be wrapped in their embrace one more, and hear a language that is more sweet song thanContinue reading “Tokyo | NaPoWriMo #19”

Water | NaPoWriMo #18

as I write this, i am drinking a glass of water. why am i writing about it, you ask? well, i can’t think of what else to write. if i asked someone what to write about they’d say ‘anything that comes to mind’ and the first thing that comes to my mouth is this glassContinue reading “Water | NaPoWriMo #18”

Lucozade | NaPoWriMo #16

after Jackie Kay’s ‘Lucozade’ Lucozade – fizzy, light, bouncy like the boys who used to drink it. In our school, we had vending machines full of them. But at an all-girls-school no-one wanted to be the fool that got fat from Lucozade. Well, it was too late for me. My stomach was already a bubbleContinue reading “Lucozade | NaPoWriMo #16”

Laundry | NaPoWriMo #15

that smell of laundry someone else’s laundry is making its way in through the windows spreading itself in my bedroom like a blanket gently kissing the floor i lay there and close my eyes as my eyelashes gently kiss the rim of my heavy under-eyes.

The Bed | NaPoWriMo #13

A woman full of neutrality Puts her backpack on her bed, Put the tube journey, The woman who spoke loudly to another woman, The chicken that was abandoned, The pigeon that was invited, She put there that same invitation She put there that after-rain-smell Tastes of hands wrapped around a mug of tea On theContinue reading “The Bed | NaPoWriMo #13”

Online Classes | NaPoWriMo #12

When university tells you classes will be online, It won’t be the first time you’ve heard this. It is early, and of course they are not even there to tell you this in person, But from a cold, voiceless email. And of course, you will smile. Because it sounds like empathy, Because you heard theContinue reading “Online Classes | NaPoWriMo #12”